Nacionalni park Lovćen se nalazi u jugoistočnom delu Evrope, u Crnoj Gori.NP obuhvata centralni i najviši deo lovćenskog masiva, površine 6.220 hektara. Proglašen je Nacionalnim parkom 1952. godine.
Smešten u jugozapadnom delu Crne Gore, uzdiže se sa ivica jadranskog basena, zatvarajući tako duge i vijugave bokeljske zalive, čineći zaleđe drevnom pomorskom gradu Kotoru.
Na relativno uzanom prostoru sreću se brojni i raznovrsni oblici reljefa, naglašeni u središnjem delu planine, gde se Lovćen najviše izdigao Štirovnikom i Jezerskim vrhom. Padine planine su kamenite, sa brojnim škrapama, jamama i dubokim vrtačama, dajući krajolicima specifičan izgled.
Njegošev mauzolej - nalazi se na Jezerskom vrhu i posvećen je Petru Drugom Petroviću Njegošu. Od Cetinja do mauzoleja vodi asfaltni put u dužini od 21 km. Podignut je po zamisli hrvatskog vajara Ivana Meštrovića na mjestu na kome je prethodno srušena Njegoševa zavetna crkva koju je lično podigao još za života u slavu Svetog Petra Cetinjskog, oko 1845. godine, sa željom da u njoj bude sahranjen.Crkva je granatirana u oba svjetska rata da bi konačno bila srušena uprkom protivljenju Mitropolije i hrišćana, i na njeno mjesto je podignut današnji mauzolej.
Do mauzoleja vodi tunel sa stepeništem probijenim u masivu Lovćena. Tunel kroz koji se provlači 461 stepenica.
U predvorju Njegoševog mauzoleja stoja dvije kamene karijatide: majke i ćerke (ili Njegoševe majke i sestre - kako smatraju neki istoričari ), teške po 7,5 tona
U pročelju mauzoleja smještena je figura Njegoša, izgradjena od najljepšeg i najboljeg kamena teškog 28 tona, a nad njom se nalazi orao raširenig krila.
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Figura Njegoša |
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Grobnica |
U kripti mauzoleja nalazi se Njegošev grob. Počivalište, odnosno mermerni sarkofag sa posmrtnim ostacima Njegoša sagradjen je od bijelog mermera. Za ukrašavanje svoda utrošeno je 18 kg zlata. Na nadgrobnoj mermernojploči piše samo „Његош 1813. – 1851“, bez imena i oznaka vladičanskog dostojanstva.
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ŠTIROVNIK 1749 m |
Nalazeći se na granici dve sasvim različite prirodne cjeline, mora i kontinenta, Lovćen trpi uticaje oba klimatska tipa. Specifičan spoj životnih uslova uslovio je razvoj raznovrsnih bioloških sistema.
Na području ovog nacionalnog parka značajnu vrednost čini kulturno-istorijsko nasleđe. Svojevrstan arhitektonski relikt, vredan pažnje, predstavljaju čuvene lovćenske serpentine. Stari put od Kotora vijuga uz Lovćen do Njeguša, živopisnog planinskog sela, u kojem se nalaze rodne kuće Petra II Petrovića Njegoša, znamenitog crnogorskog vladike i pjesnika iz XIX veka i poslednjeg vladara Crne Gore, kralja Nikole I Petrovića.
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Rodna kuca Njegoša |
Lovćenski kraj obiluje brojnim elementima narodnog graditeljstva. Autentične su stare kuće i seoska guvna, kao i kolibe u katunima - letnjim stočarskim naseobinama. Sa vidikovca, u neposrednoj blizini, pruža se nezaboravan pogled na Bokokotorski zaliv i Katunsku nahiju koju je čuveni Bernard Šo, kada je ugledao, nazvao Kameno more
Lovcen National Park is located in southeastern part of Europe, in Montenegro.NP includes the central and highest part of Lovcen range of 6,220 hectares.It is declared a national park in 1952. year.
Located in the southwestern part of Montenegro, rises from the edge of the Adriatic basin closing the long and twisting Boka Bay, making the background of the ancient coastal town of Kotor.
A relatively narrow space fortunately numerous and diverse forms of relief for the middle part of the mountain, where the highest peaks Stirovnik Lovcen and Lake Peak. Slopes are rocky, with numerous fissures, pits and deep depressions giving the scenery a specific look.
Njegos's mausoleum - located on Lake's top and is dedicated to Peter II Petrovic Njegos. From Cetinje to the mausoleum tarmac road with a length of 21 km. It was built on the ideas of the Croatian sculptor Ivana Mestrovic at the place where the previously demolished Njegoševa covenant church that he personally raised during the lifetime of the glory of St. Peter of Cetinje, about in 1845. years, with the aim being that it sahranjen.Crkva was shelled in both World War II and finally was destroyed DRAM opposition Metropolitan and Christians, and in its place is a mausoleum built today.
The mausoleum water tunnel with broken staircase in the Massif Lovćena. A tunnel runs 461 steps.
In the lobby of Njegoš's mausoleum are two stone caryatids: mother-daughter (or mother and sister - as argued by some historians) that weigh 7.5 tons
In front of the mausoleum is located Njegosa figure, constructed from the most beautiful and best hard rock 28 tons, and over it is raširenig eagle wings.
Figure Njegosa
In the crypt of the mausoleum is the tomb of Njegoš. Resting or marble sarcophagus containing the remains of Njegos built of white marble. To decorate the arch 18 kg of gold is spent. At the memorial it just says "Njegos 1813. - 1851 "without the names and designations of the Episcopal dignity.
Stirovnik 1749 m
Situated on the border of two completely different natural wholes, the sea and the mainland, Lovcen influence of both climates. The specific combination of conditions of life influenced the development of a variety of biological systems.
In the area of the national park setting makes a significant cultural and historical heritage. Unique architectural relic worth mentioning, are Lovcen serpentine. The old road from Kotor winds to Njegusi, picturesque mountain villages, where the houses of Petar II Petrovic Njegos, famous Montenegrin ruler and poet of the nineteenth century and the last ruler of Montenegro, King Nikola I Petrovic.
Birth house Njegos
Lovćen abounds in numerous elements of architecture. Authentic old houses and village threshing floors, and huts in the alpine pastures - summer herding settlements. From the observation deck, nearby, offers a breathtaking view of the Bay of Kotor and Katunska nahija by the famous Bernard Shaw, when he saw her, he called rocky sea.
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